Articles for Tag: "summertime"

Are summer colds worse than winter colds?  Featured
Are summer colds worse than winter colds?
It’s not just your imagination. A few factors can aggravate your symptoms.
What produce is in season during the summer? 
What produce is in season during the summer?
It may save you money and improve your health by eating these seasonal fruits and vegetables.
How to manage mindless summer snacking 
How to manage mindless summer snacking
Here’s how to select snacks that will keep you and your child full on long summer days.
The link between hot weather and kidney stones 
The link between hot weather and kidney stones
Does your risk of devloping kidney stones increase in the summer? A urologist explains.
Is your child getting enough social interaction this summer? 
Is your child getting enough social interaction this summer?
Time away from school can mean fewer opportunities for your child to see their peers.
Mosquitoes carrying Zika may make their way to the U.S. 
Mosquitoes carrying Zika may make their way to the U.S.
A study predicts the virus will spread to the southern United States and east coast by summer.
Can staying hydrated prevent kidney stones?  Featured
Can staying hydrated prevent kidney stones?
Our expert explains why drinking enough fluids during the summer heat reduces likelihood of developing kidney stones.