Articles for Tag: "Children"

9 things not to do if you’re trying to get pregnant  Featured
9 things not to do if you’re trying to get pregnant
An obstetrician offers some helpful tips for women looking to conceive.
How to support someone who has lost a child 
How to support someone who has lost a child
In honor of Perinatal and Pediatric Bereavement Awareness month, an expert gives advice on how to help.
New deadliest cancer for kids surpasses leukemia  Featured
New deadliest cancer for kids surpasses leukemia
Another type of cancer has moved into the top spot as the most deadly. But could there be a silver lining?
How do kids view lying?  Featured
How do kids view lying?
Is it okay to tell a white lie? Is tattling bad? A new study finds the answer depends on a child’s age.
Promising treatment for people with peanut allergies  Featured
Promising treatment for people with peanut allergies
There may soon be a new way to combat your child’s scary allergy. Learn more.
Can kids get too attached to ‘loveys’? 
Can kids get too attached to ‘loveys’?
The phenomenon is almost universal for kids. And some research shows a third of adults still sleep with a teddy bear.
Advocate Children’s Hospital is helping families transition from hospital to home 
Advocate Children’s Hospital is helping families transition from hospital to home
There are many different layers when caring for children with medical complexities. Advocate Children’s Hospital helps ease some of the issues that arise through a partnership with Almost Home Kids.