Articles for Tag: "laughter"

This infectious behavior may benefit your health 
This infectious behavior may benefit your health
Find out whether laughter is truly the best medicine.
It’s free, easy and can improve your health 
It’s free, easy and can improve your health
Research shows doing this can reduce anxiety, boost your immune system and help enhance your mood.
Why I play tennis 
Why I play tennis
10 things I’ve learned from playing this lifetime sport.
Sarcasm can increase your creativity 
Sarcasm can increase your creativity
Research finds that these humorous comments lead people to think outside the box.
Laughter helps strangers connect 
Laughter helps strangers connect
If you want to find out someone’s deepest secrets, make them giggle first.
How laughter helps your brain 
How laughter helps your brain
New research suggests that humor can improve short-term memory in older adults.
The healing power of laughter 
The healing power of laughter
Researchers find that laughing may actually help people cope with pain.