Articles for Tag: "medicine"

Be careful behind the wheel if you’re taking these medications 
Be careful behind the wheel if you’re taking these medications
Some medications can cause drowsiness.
Medication and grapefruit juice: A dangerous combination? 
Medication and grapefruit juice: A dangerous combination?
The fruit has long been known to interfere with some prescriptions, but the full list may surprise you.
Which allergy medicine is right for you?  Featured
Which allergy medicine is right for you?
From Allegra to Benadryl to prescription, use this guide to help you find the right relief.
Should you talk to your primary care physician about mental health? 
Should you talk to your primary care physician about mental health?
How making a personal connection could change your life
Study: 4 out of 5 parents making dosing errors  Featured
Study: 4 out of 5 parents making dosing errors
A startling number of parents measure medication incorrectly. And many errors are twice the recommended amount.
Are you overdosing your kids? 
Are you overdosing your kids?
New research finds a startling number of parents measure liquid medication doses incorrectly. And many of the mistakes involve twice the recommended amount.
When’s the right time to expose your kids to allergens? 
When’s the right time to expose your kids to allergens?
New studies reveal that introducing milk, eggs and peanuts earlier than previously thought could prove beneficial.