5 things to know about the Tdap vaccine 
5 things to know about the Tdap vaccine
Our expert gives you the 411 on this common vaccination.
Can your kids have high blood pressure? 
Can your kids have high blood pressure?
Hypertension among children is on the rise. Here’s what you should know.
Dietitians key to helping kids cope with food allergies 
Dietitians key to helping kids cope with food allergies
Parents don’t have to manage their child’s food allergies alone. A nutrition professional offers best results.
Improved HPV vaccine may prevent cancer 
Improved HPV vaccine may prevent cancer
The new vaccine protects against more strains of the potentially deadly virus.
Non-smoking teens turn to e-cigs 
Non-smoking teens turn to e-cigs
According to a new study, 30 percent of the teens surveyed have tried e-cigarettes.
Immunize kids for healthier parents 
Immunize kids for healthier parents
Study finds that flu shots for children decreases illness for the rest of us, too.
How kids’ lives suffer from negative life experiences 
How kids’ lives suffer from negative life experiences
Learn how to help your child positively cope with an adverse life event.