Articles for Tag: "communication"

An interactive, non-verbal form of care 
An interactive, non-verbal form of care
Learn how art therapy can help you recover mentally and physically.
Tips for checking in with your teen 
Tips for checking in with your teen
Are you struggling to start conversations about mental health with your teen? You’re not alone.
Raising girls and boys: Are there differences? 
Raising girls and boys: Are there differences?
While every child is unique and develops in their own way, there may be certain trends you’ll notice.
Bruce Willis’ updated dementia diagnosis 
Bruce Willis’ updated dementia diagnosis
What you should know about frontotemporal dementia.
Music to a mother’s ears 
Music to a mother’s ears
A speech-language pathologist tackles a little boy’s inability to communicate effectively, giving him the courage to speak.
The truth about “stiff” backs  Featured
The truth about “stiff” backs
Sometimes words and phrases have different meanings to different people. So what does “stiff” really mean?
Relationship problems? Try this 
Relationship problems? Try this
Find out what may help to alleviate stress and the resulting toll it takes on your health.