The story behind her blue dress 
The story behind her blue dress
How a patient service representative is using one color to promote colon health.
How blue light technology is helping victims of violence 
How blue light technology is helping victims of violence
Learn how forensic nurses are using a special tool to identify and document injuries to help survivors of all races.
Could a darkness retreat help your mental health? 
Could a darkness retreat help your mental health?
A look into this ancient mental health practice that regained popularity thanks to a famous athlete.
The secret to feeling younger on your next birthday  Featured
The secret to feeling younger on your next birthday
Learn what healthy lifestyle habits it takes to be considered younger than your actual chronological age.
You may be betting against your health during Sunday’s big game 
You may be betting against your health during Sunday’s big game
While the odds of winning may fall in your favor, sports gambling can become an addictive behavior.
Is your migraine not responding to medication? You could have this condition 
Is your migraine not responding to medication? You could have this condition
You can be diagnosed with this rare condition after riding a roller coaster, doing yoga, being in a car accident or having a spinal tap.
7 ways to breathe better 
7 ways to breathe better
Did you know that there are other ways you can proactively protect your lungs aside from quitting smoking? Learn how.