Articles for Tag: "dementia"

Half of seniors with dementia don’t get tested 
Half of seniors with dementia don’t get tested
Nearly two million Americans over the age of 70 with cognitive problems haven’t seen a doctor, says a new study.
Can a blood test predict Alzheimer’s? 
Can a blood test predict Alzheimer’s?
Researchers say it’s possible to predict your risk for the disease and mild dementia.
Low vitamin D may increase risk for Alzheimer’s 
Low vitamin D may increase risk for Alzheimer’s
New research finds that people low on this vitamin may be at higher risk for this type of dementia.
Diet high in saturated fat may link to Alzheimer’s 
Diet high in saturated fat may link to Alzheimer’s
Researchers shed light on how fat intake can compromise the chemicals in your brain that keeps Alzheimer’s away.
Can an eye exam predict dementia? 
Can an eye exam predict dementia?
Scientists link retinal thinning to dementia before symptoms even appear.
Bad sleep linked to brain decline  Featured
Bad sleep linked to brain decline
An expert shares what sleep habits you can practice to help your mind.
New research suggests sleep disorders may increase dementia risk 
New research suggests sleep disorders may increase dementia risk
Getting a good night’s sleep isn’t just good for the brain, but may actually stave off dementia.