Articles for Tag: "Advocate Christ Medical Center"

Can looking at gross pictures curb your appetite? 
Can looking at gross pictures curb your appetite?
Viewing stomach-turning images can help reduce junk food cravings, says a study. But some doctors question the findings.
4 tips for when joint pain strikes  Featured
4 tips for when joint pain strikes
Keep aches and pains from turning into something more serious.
Smokers not the only ones at risk for COPD 
Smokers not the only ones at risk for COPD
New research discovers other factors that can lead to this lung disease.
5 tips for a good night’s sleep  Featured
5 tips for a good night’s sleep
No need to count sheep with these simple recommendations.
Why babies need vitamin K 
Why babies need vitamin K
Some parents are confusing the injection with a vaccine and may be putting their infants at risk.
How contaminated is that swimming pool? 
How contaminated is that swimming pool?
Stay safe by avoiding fecal matter and urine during your next swim.
Prior stillbirth increases odds for it happening again 
Prior stillbirth increases odds for it happening again
A new report finds that loss of a fetus in a prior pregnancy raises the risk of another occurrence.