Articles for Tag: "weight"

Gaining weight? It may be your glass of OJ 
Gaining weight? It may be your glass of OJ
You may want to consider how many times you refill your glass with this common breakfast staple.
Severe obesity in children under 4: What you need to know 
Severe obesity in children under 4: What you need to know
Obesity rates are on the rise among all ages, including young kids. Learn what factors may increase a child’s risk for obesity.
Discussing weight at your doctor’s appointment 
Discussing weight at your doctor’s appointment
It may be something you dread, but it may set you up for success.
Pregnancy after bariatric surgery 
Pregnancy after bariatric surgery
An expert explains if it’s safe.
Is it healthy to be a ‘weekend warrior’?  Featured
Is it healthy to be a ‘weekend warrior’?
Exercising only on the weekends may not derail your fitness goals as much as you may think.
How much weight should you gain during pregnancy? 
How much weight should you gain during pregnancy?
Your BMI is a determining factor.
Do you have muscle dysmorphia? 
Do you have muscle dysmorphia?
It may be as simple as body checking in the mirror.