Articles for Tag: "Personality"

People with these characteristics are happiest 
People with these characteristics are happiest
The good news is that it’s never too late to change your traits. Learn how to exemplify them each day.
Early bird or night owl: The answer may affect your personality 
Early bird or night owl: The answer may affect your personality
The time you wake up and go to sleep could also affect your quality of life.
Early bird or night owl: The answer may affect your personality 
Early bird or night owl: The answer may affect your personality
The time you wake up and go to sleep could also affect your quality of life.
Could your humor indicate your risk for dementia?  Featured
Could your humor indicate your risk for dementia?
An inappropriate sense of humor might be an early indicator of a rare form of this condition.
Are you an early riser or a night owl?  Featured
Are you an early riser or a night owl?
A new study says morning and evening people have very different personality traits.
Could your humor indicate your risk for dementia? 
Could your humor indicate your risk for dementia?
An inappropriate sense of humor might be an early indicator of a rare form of this condition.
Harry Potter quiz could say a lot about your personality 
Harry Potter quiz could say a lot about your personality
The results of this popular quiz could correlate to certain character traits, according to researchers.