Articles for Tag: "heartburn"

How travel wreaks havoc on your stomach  Featured
How travel wreaks havoc on your stomach
A gastroenterologist identifies the main culprits and offers tips to avoid digestive issues while on vacation.
Leafy green vegetables fuel good digestive health 
Leafy green vegetables fuel good digestive health
Eating spinach, kale and lettuce can protect your gut from harmful bacteria. Learn more.
Prescription heartburn pills may lead to increased risk of dementia 
Prescription heartburn pills may lead to increased risk of dementia
Millions of Americans take medication to curb the effects of GERD. New research suggests these drugs may have unintended consequences.
Common heartburn drugs may increase heart attack risk 
Common heartburn drugs may increase heart attack risk
Over-the-counter medications could up your chance for cardiovascular problems.
Infographic: Avoid heartburn this season  Featured
Infographic: Avoid heartburn this season
Appetizers, big meals and desserts galore. Check out these tips for smart eating choices.
Prevent heartburn and acid reflux after Thanksgiving dinner 
Prevent heartburn and acid reflux after Thanksgiving dinner
A gastroenterologist shares four pieces of advice to beat the discomfort and pain.
Choking on food could be a sign of an allergy 
Choking on food could be a sign of an allergy
More kids, like Brian Scott, are being diagnosed with the condition, EoE.