Articles for Tag: "pregnant"

Can the Zika virus spread through sexual transmission? 
Can the Zika virus spread through sexual transmission?
The CDC is investigating 14 cases of the virus spreading from male to female through sex. An expert weighs in on the role this is playing in the growing outbreak.
What you need to know about the Zika virus 
What you need to know about the Zika virus
An infectious disease specialist explains the dangers of the virus for both men and women.
The harmful effects of hookahs 
The harmful effects of hookahs
A single session distributes 10 times the carbon monoxide of a single cigarette.
Can your phone tell you’re expecting? 
Can your phone tell you’re expecting?
Learn more about a new Bluetooth-enabled pregnancy test that has hit the market.
HPV vaccine safe for women who may become pregnant 
HPV vaccine safe for women who may become pregnant
Learn how vaccinations can reduce the risk of certain cancers.
Is apple cider vinegar a miracle drink?  Featured
Is apple cider vinegar a miracle drink?
Find out if this beverage can really help you lose weight and much more.
Vaginal birth is less risky for moms 
Vaginal birth is less risky for moms
New research shines light on the safety of this delivery option.