Asthma and allergy go hand in hand 
Asthma and allergy go hand in hand
Researchers have found the majority of people with asthma also have an allergy.
Why more men are choosing butt lift surgery 
Why more men are choosing butt lift surgery
Working out is one way to improve the glutes, but many men are opting for surgery to get the rear of their dreams.
A hot brain causes yawning? 
A hot brain causes yawning?
You may not be yawing because you’re sleepy, but because your brain temp is elevated, says a study.
How effective are baby helmets? 
How effective are baby helmets?
New research suggests children with misshapen heads will not benefit from helmet therapy. Not all experts agree.
Pass on the salt 
Pass on the salt
Decreasing sodium intake may prevent deaths from stroke and heart attack, says a new study.
More reasons teens should steer clear of sports and energy drinks 
More reasons teens should steer clear of sports and energy drinks
The revved-up drinks represent a large part of the beverage market, could they lead to health problems among teens?
Light giving physicians edge in kidney surgery 
Light giving physicians edge in kidney surgery
Thanks to a technology called “Firefly,” surgeons are seeing “green” and removing kidney cancers with improved precision.