Articles by "Cassie Richardson"

Cassie Richardson
Cassie Richardson

Cassie Richardson, health enews contributor, is regional coordinator on the Public Affairs team for Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care. She has more than 10 years of experience in health care communications, marketing, media and public relations. Cassie is a fan of musical theater and movies. When she’s not spreading the word about health and wellness advancements, she enjoys writing fiction.

This author has already written 98 Articles
Are full-body MRI scans necessary? 
Are full-body MRI scans necessary?
Before you become an early adopter, consider this.
How to help a stroke survivor 
How to help a stroke survivor
A neurologist sheds light on how much help you should give someone who is recovering from a stroke.
Are you causing your partner’s headache? 
Are you causing your partner’s headache?
They might have a sensitivity that affects almost one-third of Americans. Here’s how you can do your part.
Could this be the secret to reversing hypertension? 
Could this be the secret to reversing hypertension?
You may blame your salt intake for high blood pressure, but it may not be the only factor in your diet to consider improving.
Does that burn need medical attention? 
Does that burn need medical attention?
An emergency department doctor offers steps you can take when injured by steaming liquids.
Is the urgent need to pee a normal part of aging? 
Is the urgent need to pee a normal part of aging?
There is a common cause behind the need for frequent bathroom breaks.
Convertirse en el modelo a seguir que necesitaba cuando era niña   
Convertirse en el modelo a seguir que necesitaba cuando era niña  
Una enfermera de Advocate Health Care explica por qué nunca es demasiado tarde ni demasiado difícil alcanzar los sueños.