Articles for Tag: "alcohol"

The truth about alcohol and your heart 
The truth about alcohol and your heart
Alcohol. Is it good for you or not? A cardiologist weighs in on new research that reveals you might not want to abstain.
7 foods that actually make you more hungry 
7 foods that actually make you more hungry
These foods might look good, but eating them can stir your appetite. Find out which foods are satiation saboteurs.
7 tips to live to 100  Featured
7 tips to live to 100
Learn more about seven lifestyle habits followed by residents of “Blue Zones,” where people live the longest.
Debunking four miscarriage misconceptions 
Debunking four miscarriage misconceptions
An OB/GYN shares the truth behind four miscarriage myths and what factors are within a woman’s control.
Can red wine help you breathe easier? 
Can red wine help you breathe easier?
You’ve probably heard red wine can reduce your risk of heart disease. But new research finds another surprising benefit.
Breast cancer prevention should start early in life 
Breast cancer prevention should start early in life
A breast surgeon discusses four steps women can take at a young age to lower their risk.
Wine, food and Botox  Featured
Wine, food and Botox
A plastic surgeon weighs in on Botox parties. Are they riskier than a one-on-one appointment?