Articles for Tag: "fitness"

Play your way to better health 
Play your way to better health
Bring your workout to the next level. Adding sports to your fitness routine can get you fit faster.
One of America’s best diet plans is free—and online 
One of America’s best diet plans is free—and online
Popular diet programs like Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers now have some stiff competition, and it’s free.
Heart-healthy apps  Featured
Heart-healthy apps
Ever thought about checking your heart rate with your camera phone? “Cool” may not save lives, but these apps use nifty technology to keep you heart-healthy. Here’s a review of three apps.
Go for the gold, blue and green in 2013  Featured
Go for the gold, blue and green in 2013
Whether you’re training for a high-intensity, endurance sport, enjoy competing as a weekend warrior, or just starting an exercise routine, your diet is critical to your success. Making the right food choices can help you perform at your peak. So how do you turn yourself into a nutritional powerhouse? Try these 7 superfoods to stay fit, boost your immune system and help you reach your maximum goals.