Research shows secondhand smoke could increase your chance of this 
Research shows secondhand smoke could increase your chance of this
Your kids might be especially vulnerable.
Do you know when an injury requires a visit to the emergency department? 
Do you know when an injury requires a visit to the emergency department?
Acting quickly could be the key to preventing serious damage.
Lower temperatures means higher heart attack risk, experts say 
Lower temperatures means higher heart attack risk, experts say
How to keep your heart winter-healthy.
Infectious disease physician advocates for Black community 
Infectious disease physician advocates for Black community
Dr. Brian Temple discusses efforts to debunk vaccination mistruths, offers advice on people wanting to go into health care and shares his thoughts on Black history.
Take the ‘slip’ out of slippery this winter 
Take the ‘slip’ out of slippery this winter
A physical therapist shares tips to avoid trips and falls in ice and snow.
We’ve got great news for cheese lovers 
We’ve got great news for cheese lovers
An expert explains what cheeses to avoid.
Is it just gas or something more serious? 
Is it just gas or something more serious?
What to do when your bellyache is more than just a bellyache.