How to prevent a charley horse 
How to prevent a charley horse
This common cramp affects 1 in 3 people while they sleep. Here’s what you can do.
Do mammograms hurt? They don’t have to 
Do mammograms hurt? They don’t have to
There are a few things to consider that may impact your mammogram experinece, such as your menstrual cycle.
Cottage cheese is all the rage, but is it healthy? 
Cottage cheese is all the rage, but is it healthy?
There’s even cottage cheese ice cream. But should you jump on the social media trend?
Your diet can impact ADHD symptoms 
Your diet can impact ADHD symptoms
Learn how you can naturally reduce symptoms of ADHD and improve overall concentration.
When should you take your child to a dermatologist? 
When should you take your child to a dermatologist?
Dermatologists can treat more than just acne. Learn other reasons why your child may need an appointment with a skin care expert.
Nutrient overload: How excess vitamin B3 can impact your heart 
Nutrient overload: How excess vitamin B3 can impact your heart
In supplement form, it may not be the quick health boost you had hoped for and instead quite dangerous.
Why projected diabetes cases might be underestimated 
Why projected diabetes cases might be underestimated
An estimation of diabetes cases projected by 2060 is sounding the alarm for experts. Learn why.