Find relief from heartburn with these tips 
Find relief from heartburn with these tips
When infrequent, acid reflux can often be controlled. Here’s what foods and drinks you should avoid.
Why you should gut check your digestive health 
Why you should gut check your digestive health
Learn how improving your digestion can reduce your risk for this common cancer.
Should you be taking magnesium supplements? 
Should you be taking magnesium supplements?
Find out if your typical diet is meeting daily magnesium requirements or if you’re experiencing signs of deficiency.
Here’s how to read your blood pressure 
Here’s how to read your blood pressure
The set of numbers you see during a blood pressure reading each have a meaning. Plus, learn tips on taking your own blood pressure.
Play pickleball? Don’t fall victim to these common injuries 
Play pickleball? Don’t fall victim to these common injuries
The growing popularity of this sport is leading to an increase in injuries, especially among a certain age group.
How you can prevent retraumatization 
How you can prevent retraumatization
Trauma can have a lasting impact whether it’s related to physical harm, emotional damage or natural disasters.
The psychological impact of a stroke 
The psychological impact of a stroke
Daily tasks that once came naturally may become frustrating and anxiety-inducing after suffering a stroke.