Articles for Tag: "serotonin"

Does hot weather make you sleepy? 
Does hot weather make you sleepy?
Find out why it may be your body naturally protecting itself.
6 ways to naturally boost serotonin  Featured
6 ways to naturally boost serotonin
It may help improve your mood and digestion.
Are you ‘hangry’? 
Are you ‘hangry’?
Before you snap at a coworker or friend, consider what’s responsible for your irritable mood.
The science behind being “hangry” 
The science behind being “hangry”
Before you snap at a coworker or friend, consider what’s responsible for your irritable mood.
How hunger can lead to anger 
How hunger can lead to anger
You may want to grab some lunch before you snap at your coworker.
5 tips to avoid the winter blues 
5 tips to avoid the winter blues
Our expert provides ways to kick seasonal affective disorder to the curb.
Proper diet can boost your mood and energy levels  Featured
Proper diet can boost your mood and energy levels
Wellness expert explains how changes in eating habits can affect brain chemicals and metabolism—for the better.