Articles for Tag: "cortisol"

Telltale signs you may have high cortisol 
Telltale signs you may have high cortisol
Cortisol is essential in the right amounts, but elevated levels can cause certain health conditions.
Does stress make you crave comfort foods? 
Does stress make you crave comfort foods?
Indulging in your favorite food may sound delightful in the moment but can come with consequences.
How prolonged stress affects your thyroid functions 
How prolonged stress affects your thyroid functions
Stress can even cause a thyroid storm for some people.
Can you exercise too much? 
Can you exercise too much?
It’s important to be active, but here’s when it can backfire.
Relationship problems? Try this 
Relationship problems? Try this
Find out what may help to alleviate stress and the resulting toll it takes on your health.
Are you ‘hangry’? 
Are you ‘hangry’?
Before you snap at a coworker or friend, consider what’s responsible for your irritable mood.
Why can anxiety be so hard to treat?  Featured
Why can anxiety be so hard to treat?
New findings provide renewed hope for more effective anxiety treatments. An internal medicine physician weighs in.