Unique approach to diabetes education  Featured
Unique approach to diabetes education
Find out how conversation maps help make diabetes easier to manage.
Do multivitamins really work? 
Do multivitamins really work?
Recent studies suggest multivitamins aren’t making people any healthier.
AAP warns of foodborne illness from raw milk 
AAP warns of foodborne illness from raw milk
Doctors say certain groups of people should steer clear of unpasteurized milk. Get the details.
Selfie life-saver 
Selfie life-saver
New smartphone technology offers a simple way to check your cholesterol levels using a self-portrait.
How children with diabetes can have a sweet holiday 
How children with diabetes can have a sweet holiday
Our expert shares tips for parents to ensure their child with diabetes enjoys the holiday season.
Child movies send mixed messages about weight 
Child movies send mixed messages about weight
A new study finds that movies targeted at kids both encourage and condemn obesity.
Can bathing in vitamins boost your health? 
Can bathing in vitamins boost your health?
First it was vitamin shots, then vitamin drips — now a growing number of folks are splashing around in vitamin C-infused showers to help improve their health.