Can ADHD make driving dangerous for kids? 
Can ADHD make driving dangerous for kids?
Experts say all motorists should avoid texting and driving but new research finds that teens with ADHD are especially vulnerable for accidents.
Is ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ glorifying domestic violence? 
Is ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ glorifying domestic violence?
A new study says that a best-selling novel promotes emotional and sexual abuse against women.
Is big city living a bad idea for new mothers? 
Is big city living a bad idea for new mothers?
Urban moms are at a greater risk for developing postpartum depression, according to new research. Find out why.
Tide turning in the fight against childhood obesity? 
Tide turning in the fight against childhood obesity?
A new report shows a decline in obesity rates among low-income preschoolers in 19 states. Could this be a trend?
Can commuting take a toll on your health? 
Can commuting take a toll on your health?
If you have the option of walking to work, experts say the jaunt may lower your risk of diabetes and high blood pressure.
Sugary drinks tied to obesity in preschoolers 
Sugary drinks tied to obesity in preschoolers
A new study links sweetened drinks to excessive weight gain in kids as young as four years old.
Why painkillers can be lethal 
Why painkillers can be lethal
Find out why the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is requiring all prescription pain medications that contain acetaminophen to have a warning label.