Search Results for: "weight loss"

You have searched for weight loss. We are displaying the best possible results for your search. If you are not satisfied with the results, please try to search again using a better keyword.

Dangers of ‘distracted eating’  Featured
Dangers of ‘distracted eating’
Experts say more people should pay attention to what they eat throughout the day and how much. Find out why.
Cystic fibrosis screening critical for newborns 
Cystic fibrosis screening critical for newborns
With early screening, young children with the genetic disorder can achieve better outcomes.
Can your genes predict vitamin D deficiency? 
Can your genes predict vitamin D deficiency?
A new study finds that researching a person’s genes can show if they are lacking an essential vitamin and who may need a long-term boost.
Sugary drinks tied to obesity in preschoolers 
Sugary drinks tied to obesity in preschoolers
A new study links sweetened drinks to excessive weight gain in kids as young as four years old.
More sleep could mean fewer injuries for teen athletes 
More sleep could mean fewer injuries for teen athletes
Some say if you snooze you lose, but new research says adolescents who sleep well are less likely to get hurt on the field.
Thrill-seekers like their food hot and spicy 
Thrill-seekers like their food hot and spicy
Whether you like spicy foods or not, a new study says your taste buds can tell a lot about your personality.
Delayed umbilical cord clamping improves newborns’ health 
Delayed umbilical cord clamping improves newborns’ health
Experts say babies’ blood and iron levels may improve when the umbilical cord is not clamped immediately after birth. Find out why.