Articles for Tag: "heart disease"

Complications in pregnancy may lead to long-term health risks   
Complications in pregnancy may lead to long-term health risks  
Problems while carrying a child could signal likelihood of future diseases.
Will you live to be 100? 
Will you live to be 100?
Find out what matters when it comes to life longevity.
Dining out once a week linked to hypertension 
Dining out once a week linked to hypertension
Learn more about the health hazards of restaurant meals.
Smoke-free laws are saving lives 
Smoke-free laws are saving lives
ER visits for asthma and other illnesses on the decline with fewer exposed to secondhand smoke.
Do you know your risk for heart disease? 
Do you know your risk for heart disease?
If you’re waiting for a sign, here it is. Check your heart by taking our assessment.
How saunas may help your heart 
How saunas may help your heart
Researchers find that these hot rooms may offer health benefits.
What would you do to live longer? 
What would you do to live longer?
A new survey asks if taking medication is worth a longer life.