Articles for Tag: "stress"

9 out of 10 strokes are preventable 
9 out of 10 strokes are preventable
A study finds 10 modifiable risk factors responsible for the majority of strokes.
Frequent complaining may be hurting you more than you think  Featured
Frequent complaining may be hurting you more than you think
If you or someone you know is always saying something negative, be advised, it may actually be hurting your health.
Actress Lena Dunham sends a message 
Actress Lena Dunham sends a message
The “Girls” star is telling women to focus on this one thing.
12 things that may be damaging your eyesight 
12 things that may be damaging your eyesight
Did you know leaving your eye makeup on at night is bad for your sight? An expert warns of some hazardous daily activities.
Infographic: How to conquer the holiday blues 
Infographic: How to conquer the holiday blues
Not everyone is jolly over the holidays. A psychologist explains and offers advice to cope.
10 things that happen when you finally get back in the gym 
10 things that happen when you finally get back in the gym
It is easy to find excuses not to work out and to forget why you liked it in the first place. Loralie Thomas is back at it.
4 tips for managing your crazy busy life 
4 tips for managing your crazy busy life
With school, work and multiple internships, Kallie Kouvelis is able to stay composed by following four easy rules.