Articles for Tag: "dementia"

Sleep troubles can make you more than just tired 
Sleep troubles can make you more than just tired
This is how one study linked poor sleep to dementia later in life.
What is the Mediterranean diet? 
What is the Mediterranean diet?
People in the subtropical Mediterranean seem to have their weather right. Do they have their diet right, too?
How old do you feel? And does it matter?  Featured
How old do you feel? And does it matter?
Can you feel younger by acting younger?
You know a healthy lifestyle is good for you. But did you know it might help prevent this? 
You know a healthy lifestyle is good for you. But did you know it might help prevent this?
A new study suggests benefits for your brain.
One in five deaths globally is linked to this  Featured
One in five deaths globally is linked to this
This major lifestyle choice may put you at risk for early death.
What disease do Americans fear the most? 
What disease do Americans fear the most?
The answer may surprise you. Find out how you can protect yourself.