Articles by "Sarah Scroggins"

Sarah Scroggins
Sarah Scroggins

Sarah Scroggins, health enews contributor, is the director of social media at Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care. She has a BA and MA in Communications. When not on social media, she loves reading a good book (or audiobook), watching the latest Netflix series and teaching a college night class.

This author has already written 207 Articles
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Your weight could be a factor in liver disease, study says 
Your weight could be a factor in liver disease, study says
According to new research, your weight and the amount of alcohol you consume may increase your chances of developing chronic liver disease or even liver cancer.
Soda linked to higher risk for diabetes, study says 
Soda linked to higher risk for diabetes, study says
A new study finds that people who only drink one 12-ounce sugary drink a day are at an increased risk for developing diabetes.
How long does it take to walk off your meal? 
How long does it take to walk off your meal?
New research shows if people really knew how much walking is required to burn off calories, they would likely make healthier meal choices.
DNA testing may aid in early discovery of deadly cancers 
DNA testing may aid in early discovery of deadly cancers
There is a glimmer of hope for the future of detecting ovarian and endometrial cancers. Read more on the latest research.
Can the “Clean Plate” rule be good for your kid’s health? 
Can the “Clean Plate” rule be good for your kid’s health?
Surprising results of a new study show that parents who impose restrictive diets on their kids can have a negative affect on their health. Find out why.
New test provides better accuracy in detecting colon cancer 
New test provides better accuracy in detecting colon cancer
A new non-invasive screening is showing positive results for detecting colorectal cancer in early stages.
Signs of an abusive relationship  Featured
Signs of an abusive relationship
One in five women will experience domestic violence in their lifetime according to The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Know what to look for and how you can help.