Articles for Tag: "exercise"

Don’t be a ‘bridezilla’ on your wedding day 
Don’t be a ‘bridezilla’ on your wedding day
Here are five ways to keep the stress away on your big day.
Kids’ healthy habits worsen over summer break 
Kids’ healthy habits worsen over summer break
With school out, children spend more time watching TV and eat more sugar, too.
Dehydration derails NASCAR driver 
Dehydration derails NASCAR driver
A sports medicine physician weighs in on the importance of proper hydration for athletes.
Are kids in day care not moving enough? 
Are kids in day care not moving enough?
According to new research, children are sedentary 73 percent of the day while in child care centers.
Maximize your workout with your smartphone 
Maximize your workout with your smartphone
Don’t text or talk on the phone, instead listen to music to intensify your routine.
What does your sweat say about you? 
What does your sweat say about you?
A recent study finds that perspiration may show off how you’re really feeling.
Infographic: Maximize the benefits of your fitness tracker 
Infographic: Maximize the benefits of your fitness tracker
Here are 5 ways to use these devices.