Articles for Tag: "fruits"

How to manage mindless summer snacking 
How to manage mindless summer snacking
Here’s how to select snacks that will keep you and your child full on long summer days.
How should you wash fruits and vegetables? 
How should you wash fruits and vegetables?
Should you use soap? Clean before peeling? What if it’s already prewashed? Here’s what an expert recommends.
Eating this may help protect you from a leading cause of death 
Eating this may help protect you from a leading cause of death
Garlic, salmon and nuts all fall into this group of foods.
Study: Eating this many vegetables and fruits can lead to a longer life  Featured
Study: Eating this many vegetables and fruits can lead to a longer life
How much is enough?
8 food parts you shouldn’t throw away  Featured
8 food parts you shouldn’t throw away
Orange peels? Watermelon rind? You may be discarding extra antioxidants and folate that can boost your diet.
What’s healthier – fresh or frozen produce?  Featured
What’s healthier – fresh or frozen produce?
When it comes to fruits and vegetables, many people believe fresh is best. But is that true?