Articles for Tag: "Heart"

Minutes can mean life when having a heart attack  Featured
Minutes can mean life when having a heart attack
Getting treated quickly is critical for survival, physicians say. Learn more about “door to balloon time.”
Two sisters with unrelated heart defects  Featured
Two sisters with unrelated heart defects
Read how an Indiana mother experienced two very different pregnancies, but with two similar outcomes.
Mini-monitor keeps tabs on heart 
Mini-monitor keeps tabs on heart
Smaller than a AAA battery, these devices can be painlessly placed under a patient’s skin within minutes.
Mended Little Hearts provides support for parents  Featured
Mended Little Hearts provides support for parents
The mother of a child with a heart defect helps hundreds of other moms in the same situation.
Can gardening be as good as exercise? 
Can gardening be as good as exercise?
Staying active and doing daily tasks may be key to improving cardiovascular health in older adults.
8 ways to eat your way to a healthy heart  Featured
8 ways to eat your way to a healthy heart
Check out these simple tips on how you can adjust your diet to keep your heart healthy.
3 cholesterol myths  Featured
3 cholesterol myths
Our expert debunks common misconceptions about good and bad cholesterol.